Monday, October 20, 2014

Rookie Group UNIQ debuts 'Falling in Love' MV

The name UNIQ is a combination of the word "Unique" and the legendary animal "Unicorn."
It signifies the members' determination to become legendary and irreplaceably unique.
The team's logo contains a symbol of a unicorn, showing how mysterious and unique UNIQ is.

"Falling In Love" is UNIQ's first title song. It's a dubstep pop genre track with an acoustic guitar base by producer Shin Hyuk of Joombas Music Group.
The song is about first love, its excitement and innocence well expressed by UNIQ's unique members.
The members participated in writing the lyrics, which really helped them carry out the meaning better. UNIQ plans on debuting in China with the song as well. 

UNIQ has come to be the unique one in K-POP scene. 
Keep your eyes on them! Watch the MV below

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